Wes, Rebekah, Rowan, Reese and Pierce Gipe's Garage

1973 GT6
Current Caretaker:
Wes Gipe
My oldest son Rowan and I have been working on a full nut-and-bolt restoration of a 1973 Triumph GT-6 over 4 years. When we finally finished the last part in the spring of 2024, all 9,300 pieces of this fantastic little British machine had been removed, cataloged, restored, remade, electroplated, powder-coated, or as last resort, replaced over 1,500+ hours spent together.
I love this car most of all because of the wonderful experiences Rowan and I had together as we brought it back from the dead, but also because of its story.
We found the car buried in the back of a barn. It had been there 16 years. Someone owned it who had an emotional connection to it - and dreamed of a restoration - but didn't have the time and skill to make it happen. He was one of the first to get in it when it was finished, and I shed a tear watching it happen. I’ll have that memory to enjoy every time I get behind the wheel from now until it's time for me to pass the car down to Rowan. What's more, I've developed a wonderful friendship with the prior owner as he watched it slowly but steadily come together through more than 1,400 pictures in a shared photo album.
We’ve enjoyed driving the car this year and look forward to many seasons of fun. Now…off to find the next project!