Miami Valley Triumphs (MVT) is a local center of the TRIUMPH REGISTER OF AMERICA and is a registered chapter of THE VINTAGE TRIUMPH REGISTER serving Dayton, Cincinnati, and SW Ohio since 1978. MVT is a club dedicated to promoting the driving, restoration, enjoyment, and appreciation of Triumph and Standard automobiles.
General membership meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month. The time and location are posted on the club's website events page. Anyone interested in Triumphs is most heartily invited!
Any person sixteen (16) years of age or older who is interested in and capable of furthering the purpose of MVT is eligible for membership. Ownership of a Triumph is not a prerequisite to membership. MVT shall not discriminate due to race, sex, creed, age, or national origin. We always solicit new members!... to join in the camaraderie, fun, and enjoyment.
for details on how to become a member of Miami Valley Triumphs.
"THE MARQUE", the official newsletter of MVT, is published monthly and contains the news of club happenings, events, Triumph car histories, maintenance how-tos, items for sale, and many other subjects.
Activities include: day tours, overnighter tours, technical sessions, and participation in local and national events. MVT co-hosts "Dayton British Car Days" on the first Saturday of August and thanks to the efforts of MTV and MG CC SW OH Centre members, it's rated one of the best British Car Shows in the Midwest.
Social events are always special with the Holiday and Annual Awards Banquet along with other special events hosted by the club or club members.
Members have all types of Triumphs: TR3s, TR 4s, Spitfires, GT 6s, TR 250s, TR 6s, TR 7s, TR8s, Stags. Several members own two or three different models of Triumphs while some only have fond memories of Triumphs past. We have stock Triumphs, modified Triumphs, and concours Triumphs. We have Triumphs only driven to shows, daily drivers, and members driven to own and drive Triumphs!